Scripture Post #1,245: *ABIDE IN HIM*

1st John 2:28: 

"And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming."

Disclaimer: The image used for this Scripture Post, in its original form, was from an image search engine. It is not an image of my own.

If you *ABIDE IN HIM* (GOD) now, you won't have to be ashamed later. See? Many think those who take GOD seriously, are doing the most, or missing out on good times. Ungodly activities are worth missing out on. Most of the people I know who get high, get drunk, sleep around, listen to sinful music and/or watch profane movies and television shows, only partake in those activities because they're unhappy with themselves, discontent with life, or feel as though they're so far gone that ungodliness is their best bet. CHRIST has completely satisfied my every hunger and thirst. I crave no worldly thing! There's no good reason for anyone to partake in any of the unseemly activities listed above. The folks who are causing mischief, and involving themselves with worldly activities, will be uncomfortable, embarrassed and ashamed when they meet CHRIST, afterwards. We don't have to be ashamed. We can, as 1st John 2:28 puts it, "have confidence" at CHRIST's coming. Confidence, because we've walked with Him and abide in Him. 

Originally Published: Tue. 2/9/16


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