Scripture Post #514: *EVERY JOINT SUPPLIES*

Ephesians 4:16: "From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love."

Disclaimer: The image here, in its original form, was from an image-search-engine. The original source of this image is unbeknown to me. I own no rights of this image.

This Scripture was from Apostle Paul to the Saints of Ephesus (Eph. 1:1).

Ephesians 4:16
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV):
"And the whole body depends on him. All the parts of the body are joined and held together, with each part doing its own work. This causes the whole body to grow and to be stronger in love."

The Church is essential to the life of the Believer. Don't believe alone. No one man has all the answers—but *EVERY JOINT SUPPLIES*. 

Originally Published: Sat. 2/8/14


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