Scripture Post #1,752: *NOTHING'S BRINGING ME DOWN*


Psalms 30:6:

"And in my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved."

When the LORD has blessed you and you get that feeling of elation, can't nothing bring you down! When you know you're His, and He just got you that job you wanted — a flat tire on the way to work won't bring you down. When He's healed your body, and sickness strikes again, you aren't fazed. When you're betrayed, disrespect and mistreated by those who were supposed to have your back, you're joy-level remains the same! Because GOD has brought you to the very top! He's blessed you immensely — your cup runneth over! So petty things — or heavy things that now seem petty compared to how great the LORD has blessed you — don't bring you down, because there's so much GOD in and around you!

Originally Published: Fri. 6 • 30 • 17


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