Scripture Post #1,462: *INHERIT ALL THINGS*


Revelation 21:7: 
"He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son."

Disclaimer: Image taken from search engine. 

The Apostle John's revelation. 

We'll *INHERIT ALL THINGS* if we overcome. Overcome temptation. Overcome our past (who we were/used to be). Overcome our flesh. Overcome the world. Through the falls that we take. Through the mistakes that we make. Through the natural—into the supernatural. Through our humanness. Into GOD's HOLY SPIRIT. We will be blessed to inherit all of what GOD has for us. And what GOD has for us is far greater than anything we could get ourselves. And anything the Devil could ever tempt us with. So overcome and inherit your blessing. You don't need to settle for earthly possessions when GOD has much more in store for you. 

Originally Published: Tue. • 9 • 13 • 16


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