Scripture Post #1,837: *ISRAEL'S DISTRUST*

Exodus 16:20:

"Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them."


GOD hit Egypt with 10 plagues. He parted the Red Sea. He delivered them from bondage. He supplied victuals. And when He said to trust Him, they didn't. 

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt's oppression. The Israelites were free from slavery but still didn't have a home of their own. They were in the wilderness without victuals. And that's when GOD rained down manna from Heaven (prior to the manna, GOD supplied them with water). Manna was a white colored, sweet, wafer-like bread. Moses told the Israelites to gather enough manna, only for what was needed until the manna rained down from Heaven again. This was to cause the Israelites to exercise their faith in GOD — to depend on GOD, and have faith that it would surely rain manna from Heaven again the next day. To gather extra manna meant that you didn't trust that GOD would supply again. Certain Israelites gathered extra manna for the next day. But when they went to eat it, they couldn't, because it had rotted over Night and became covered with worms. 

Originally Published: Sat. 9 • 23 • 17


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