Scripture Post #875: *DISCRETION*

John 16:12: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now."

Disclaimer: The image used for this Scripture Post, in its original form, was from an image search engine. It is not an image of my own. 

JESUS had *many* things to say to HIS Disciples, but didn't, because they wouldn't've been able to bear what HE had to tell them. CHRIST used *DISCRETION*. And GOD uses HIS discretion with us, today. Sometimes, the answers to our prayers that seem to be "no," are actually GOD using HIS discretion. GOD using HIS better judgement. We must trust GOD and know that HE knows what HE's doing. If things don't go our way, or the way we feel they ought to, it's okay. Because GOD's better judgement—GOD's discretion outweighs ours. Some things GOD's kids just aren't ready for. Unprepared for. What parent doesn't use discretion with their kids? You don't have the birds and bees convo with your 2 year old, do you? You're honest, but you use discretion. And GOD is the same way with us, HIS children. 

Originally Published: Wed. 2/4/15


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